Nail Conditions

What It Is

There are many nail conditions from which one can experience symptoms, including brittle nails, psoriasis nails, paronychia, onycholysis, pseudomonas (green nail syndrome), and onychomycosis (nail fungus). Nail fungus is most commonly seen and treated by a dermatologist.

Nail fungus develops from a fungal infection, often resulting in a visible white or yellow spot on a fingernail or toenail. The most common way to contract a nail fungus is through direct contact with someone else with a fungal infection; yet, nail fungus is not always contagious. You can contract a nail fungus from having a small cut in the skin around the nail, which presents an opening for fungus to grow. If left untreated, the nail fungus can cause the nail to crumble, thicken, or become discolored.

How DSCCA Can Help

At DSCCA, our dermatologists treat many conditions and diseases of the nails, including nail fungus.  

Nail fungus can be treated by keeping the nails filed short and using different medications. A medication will usually be prescribed to fight the fungus causing the infection. For mild infections, a topical medication can be applied to the nail. For more severe infections, and oral medication by be prescribed to offer a more aggressive treatment.